Competence Monitor

Competence Monitor is the second menu on the left, characterised by the symbol:


You can also create a new assessment from the home page.

Student self-assessment

Choose the “student” self-assessment option to create one. To create an assessment, you can choose the following options:

  • Assessment Name
  • Maximum participants: You can limit the number of participants. This is an optional field.
  • Assessment country: Which country are you running it in i.e. in which country does your institution lie?
  • Assessment languages: You can choose the language(s) the assessment will be displayed to the participants in. You can choose more than 1 language from the options: English, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Spanish, and Catalan.
  • Start Date: The system will automatically take the date for the day you are creating the assessment, but you can also choose to start it at a later date.
  • End Date: You can choose the date post which the participants will not be able to take the assessment. This is an optional field.
  • Include questions about demographic: The assessment includes some questions regarding the demographics of the assessment taker, like their field of education, employment status, etc. You can choose to not make them answer these questions.
  • Allow participants to download a summary: At the end of taking the assessment, the participant receives a summary of their scores. You can also limit them from seeing it.


Employee self-assessment

Choose the “employee” self-assessment option to create one. To create an assessment, you can choose the following options:

  • Assessment Name
  • Maximum participants: You can limit the number of participants. This is an optional field.
  • Assessment country: Which country are you running it in i.e. in which country does your institution lie?
  • Assessment languages: You can choose the language(s) the assessment will be displayed to the participants in. You can choose more than 1 language from the options: English, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Spanish, and Catalan.
  • Start Date: The system will automatically take the date for the day you are creating the assessment, but you can also choose to start it at a later date.
  • End Date: You can choose the date post which the participants will not be able to take the assessment. This is an optional field.
  • Include questions about demographic: The assessment includes some questions regarding the demographics of the assessment taker, like their field of education, employment status, etc. You can choose to not make them answer these questions.
  • Allow participants to download a summary: At the end of taking the assessment, the participant receives a summary of their scores. You can also limit them from seeing it.


Sharing the assessment

Once these fields are filled, a QR Code and a link to the assessment will be generated to be shared with the participants. This assessment will now also appear on the home page.


Selecting a self-assessment for data analysis

On the Competence Monitor page, you can choose the assessments whose data you want to be diagnosed.


Once you have selected the self-assessment(s) by pressing “update dashboard”, you will get an analytical summary that provides some basic information (e.g. number of self-assessment participants) together with key performance indicators of the self-assessment(s) on group level: average score per competence area for the group, along with the top competence strengths and weaknesses of the group.


Group Score Averages

This section shows a spider chart of the averages of all the competences. The outer of the spider chart means a higher score and the closer to the center means a lower score.


Competence Heatmap

This section shows a heatmap of the distribution of scores of the participants. Darker colours indicate higher frequency for that given competence, whereas lighter colours indicate lower frequency.


Proficiency Level Distribution

This section shows a histogram of the distribution of participants across the 5 progression levels (None, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert). It explains what proportion of the participants falls in each progression level i.e. how many of the participants are at the Basic level, Intermediate level, and so on.


Based on the strengths and weaknesses, you can see automatic recommendations for interventions to follow to work on these. You can see the interventions by clicking this icon on the top right of the page:


Up to 5 modules will be suggested based on which competences can be further developed and on what level does the group lie (i.e., Basic, Intermediate, Advanced)


Data Export

The data query menu on the top left side also allows you to download the raw data of the self-assessment(s). To do so, click on “Export (raw csv)” to get the data and click on “Export (keys)” to get the variable names etc. allowing you to make sense of the raw data. Please note that the raw data is not standardised. The data export option allows you to prepare further analysis of the self-assessment data that go beyond what is shown in the data dashboard.


Both the raw data (in csv) and the keys to the assessment can be downloaded.
