Archived Assessments

Archived Assessments is the third menu point on the left-side menu. The archive is symbolized by a file box symbol.


Archiving by our means relates to deactivating the self-assessment. Once you archive the assessment, your participants can no longer access the assessment via the link. You can reactivate the assessment at any point by clicking on the play button, and then participants will be able to access the self-assessment with the same link as before.

Note: The results of archived assessments can still be displayed using the data dashboard inside the Competence Monitor (2nd menu point on main page). Also, the data and the keys (variable names) of archived assessments can be exported at any time (CSV` file format) if the archived survey has been selected inside the Competence Monitor.

Archiving an Assessment

An assessment is automatically archived if you set an end date for the previously created self-assessment. When you don’t set an end date for the assessment, you can manually archive the assessment. This option is symbolized by the pause button on the home screen.


Once you archive an assessment (or it is automatically archived), you find the self-assessment under the Archived Assessments menu point.


De-Archiving an Assessment

An archived assessment is no longer visible to participants, and the link to the assessment is no longer active. You can reactivate an assessment at any time by navigating within your already-archived assessments and reactivating a specific one. For reactivation, you have to click on the play button of the assessment.


The assessment then vanishes from the archived assessments page and moves back to the home screen, where it is then live again. The URL of the assessment remains the same.


Preview Assessment

While your assessment is archived, you can still preview your self-assessment. In order to take a look at your created assessment, you can click on the eye symbol.

In a new tab, the preview opens up. The preview is symbolized by the red preview box on the top right corner.


Copy Assessment URL

In order to share the assessment URL with your participants, you can click on the chain icon. A blue pop-up appears, and the URL is copied.


You can either share it directly with your participants or copy it into your browser to open the assessment yourself.

Assessment Summary

You can review your assessment settings by clicking on the i button. The summary provides an overview of the assessment name, maximum participants, the start and end dates, demographic questions, downloading the participant summary, your set languages, and lastly, the assessment link. Moreover, you can directly copy the assessment URL, create a QR code, or preview the created assessment.


Delete Assessment

You can delete your created assessment and all the assessment data by clicking on the delete button. A warning message is issued. To completely remove the assessment and data, you need to click on the blue OK button.
