Account Settings

Here you will find out what Account Settings can a user change on the EICAA-DP. To access the Account Settings page, simply click the cog wheel icon in the lower left panel named “User”.


Basic Information

Users can edit the following information in the Basic Information section by clicking any of the input boxes:

  • First name: User’s first name
  • Last name: User’s last name
  • Country: Country of residence
  • Email: User’s email address used at signup
  • Organization: The organizational affiliation of the user
  • Position: User’s position at their organization
  • Role: Role as a user in the platform (can be Educator or Manager)

Remember to click the “Save Changes” button once you are done to save all the edits.

Change Password

The Change Password section can be to update a user’s account password. Passwords need to be at least 8 characters long. Simply add your old and new passwords to the respective input fields and click the “Update password” button.

Delete Account

The Delete Account button can be used to erase all of the user’s personal data stored on EICAA’s database. There will be a final warning message before the user can confirm the deletion of their account.


User’s personal data would be deleted only. The database relations between the user and their assessments and results will not be deleted, and the assessment and results data will be stored anonymously.