Competence Development Kit

Competence Development Kit is the fourth menu point on the left-side menu. The Competence Development Kit is symbolized by a file box symbol.



Competence Development Kit

The EICAA Competence Development Kit provides a catalogue of entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial teaching and training resources that are aligned to the EICAA Competence Framework (based on the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework EntreComp developed by the European Commission) and that can be used to enhance the entrepreneurial competence development within higher education programs and business training.

EICAA Target Groups:

The users of the EICAA Digital Platform are typically entrepreneurship educators and trainers as well as program managers and executives as well as anyone interested in fostering entrepreneurial competences of learners.

The users of the Competence Development Kit have two possibilities:

  1. Create a new self-assessment for students or for employees.

    Clicking on the blue “Create New Self-Assessment” button top right, you will be automatically redirected to EICAA Competence Monitor, where you can create a self-assessment either for students or for employees.

    More details on the EICAA Competence Monitor you will find when clicking on the Competence Monitor you will as second menu point on the left-side menu. The Competence Monitor is symbolized by a file box symbol.


Choose the CDK type

  1. Use the Competence Development Kit as a learning intervention for students or employees.


Clicking on the blue button named “Choose” under “Students” you will be directed to “Select a CDK module from the table below to see content”.

Clicking on the blue button named “Choose” under “Employees” you will be directed to “Select a CDK module from the table below to see content”.


Select a CDK module

You can select “Area”, “Competence”, and “Difficulty” by clicking on the respective buttons. On the right side you find a search option field.


When clicking on “Area”, you can choose between the following 3 areas “Ideas and Opportunities”, “Into Action”, and “Resources”.


By clicking on the respective area, all associated modules to the selected area as well as the respective competences and difficulty levels (basic, intermediate, advanced) will be shown. On the very right side you find a “Select” button. Clicking on this button, you will get an overview on the selected module.



In the upper tab you will get information about “Overview”, ”Manual”, “Resources”, “Scope”, “Assessment”, “Author”, and “Rate”. Clicking on the respective tab the information will appear.

In the upper area you will get an overview of the selected module, including a short description of the module.

Below you find information on “Learning Outcomes”, “Other Competences”, “Workload”, “Assessment”, and “Format”.



Clicking on “Manual” on the upper tab you will be conducted to the “Instructor Manual” which gives you a deeper overview on the module indicating the structure of the module.



Clicking on “Resources” on the upper tab you will see the literature references as well as the indication of external / additional material related to the module.



Clicking on “Scope” on the upper tab you will get information about the format and the workload of the module.



Clicking on “Assessment” on the upper tab you will get information about the “Supervision of Assessment”, the “Assessment”, and the “Quality Assurance”.



Clicking on “Author” on the upper tab you will get information about the name of the author of the module, the institution, the country of the issuer, and the date of issuing.



Clicking on “Rate” on the upper tab, on the left side you will get an overview on how other users have rated the CDK module. On the right side you have the possibility to rate the CDK module by clicking on the stars. The more stars you click on the better the module is rated.

Clicking on “Submit my rating” at the bottom of the page, your rating will be submitted.


Select a Competence

Clicking on “Competence”, you will get an overview on all the competences of the Competence Development Kit.

At the bottom of this page you can see consecutive numbers that list the competences developed.


By choosing a competence, you will get the module name, the area, and the difficulty of the competence.

Clicking on the “Select” button on the very right side you will get an overview on the selected competence.


Select Difficulty

Clicking on “Difficulty” on the upper tab, you have the possibility to choose between the three levels “intermediate”, “basic”, and “advanced.


Clicking on the different levels, you will see which levels are available for the respective module.

Clicking on “Select” on the very right side, you will get to the content of the module (“Overview”, “Manual”, “Resources”, “Scope”, “Assessment”, “Author”, “Rate”).